The amateur radio listener for when you're not on the radio.
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Today's featured group listing on the ham radio repeater listing:
Mt. Shasta Amateur Radio Club
As seen in KM4ACK channel, QSO Today, Hackaday.io, Panhandle preparedness expo, and Pacificon.
Repeater-START, the offline repeater listing app is for Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu, Librem Phone.
Now with grid square display, topographical maps and frequency preferences.
(Log in to get desktop license key for the step by step instructions, only $2/mo billed annually!)
Download Repeaterstart 1.0, now with custom repeater source addition features.
Log in and get Repeater-START premium, set favorite repeaters and receive notices for repeaters' status. Your list can be downloaded and imported directly to CHIRP!
Winlink tutorial - Setting up on Linux, Setting up Winlink through radio TNC. Winlink (Pat) for Librem Phone/Linux Phone