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Adding another repeater listing to RepeaterSTART:

Currently the only extra repeater additions provided on are GMRS radio repeater frequencies. Add the url of additional sources in the settings area of RepeaterSTART Windows or Linux app.

Creating your own repeater source:

Create a CSV (using Excel, Libreoffice Calc or even your standard text editor), in this format:

NameYour Source Name
iconUrl of svg/image


A column for each of these should be included for display within RepeaterSTART app.


Self hosting your repeater list

Using SSH or FTP, add the .csv file to a public directory on your website hosting provider.

Share the public url of the file created above with your users, which they will add within Repeater-START settings dialog.


Sharing your repeater list with users

To add your own list please send your file or link via email to contact @

Include source and the email address of the maintainer of the listing submitted.

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