Pi Day = March 14th (3.14)! Pi day sale, for a limited time:
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Repeater listing for W5RAR

Currently operational near Convent, Louisiana

Nearby repeaters and topography:
(In grid square EM40NC)

Encode: CC1


Frequency: 442.075Mhz

Offset: 5MHz

Mode: DMR

Power: unknown

Group/organization: DMR

Description and Notes:

Network: BrandMeister TS1 TG 91 WW Eng (PTT)<br>TS1 TG 93 NA (PTT)<br>TS1 TG 310 Tac 310 (PTT)<br>TS1 TG 3174 SE REGIONAL (PTT)<br>TS1 TG 3199 HURRICANE NET (FULL-TIME)<br>TS1 TG 31121 FIRST COAST (PTT)<br>TS1 TG 31221 SELCOM (FULL-TIME)<br>TS1 TG 31229 ArkLaTex (PTT)<br>TS1 TG 31688 HAM SHACK HOTLINE (PTT)<br>TS1 TG 98006 AMSAT (PTT)<br>TS2 TG 9 LOCAL (PTT)<br>TS2 TG 3122 LOUISIANA (FULL-TIME)<br>TS2 TG 31011 GULF COAST DMR (PTT)<br>TS2 TG 31220 LOUISIANA CHAT (PTT)<br>TS2 TG 31225 SOUTHEAST Louisiana (FULL-TIME)<br>TS2 TG 31623 PUBLIC SAFETY CHAT (PTT)<br>TS2 TG 312214 LA REGION 3 (FULL-TIME) See https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=311071

This is an amateur radio repeater, used for local communication.
New to amateur radio? Check out ARRL's ham radio introduction, training and testing page.
Need a quick refresher on programming repeaters? Please see the repeater programming guide.


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