Repeater listing for KD4IML
Currently operational near Phoenix, Arizona
Encode: CC1
Frequency: 442.35Mhz
Offset: 5MHz
Mode: DMR
Power: unknown
Group/organization: DMR
Description and Notes:
Network: AZTRBONET This repeater is only connected to a second repeater on Mt. Lemmon. TS2/TG2 is the only TG that is passed statewide. ALL OTHERS STAY BETWEEN THE TWO REPEATERS.<br><br>Time Slot #2 = Group Call 2 = AZ/NM/TX Local (AZ-TRBONET REPEATERS ONLY)<br>Time Slot #2 = Group Call 9 = AZ ( SMT/TUC LEM SPL REPEATERS ONLY)<br>Time Slot #2 = Group Call 3104 = AZ STATEWIDE<br>Time Slot #2 = Group Call 3185 = CACTUS (open) <br><br><br>You Must Have [ARS] Disabled Within Your Radio<br> <br>Contact Information:<br><br> TRAVELERS EMAIL for CC info as system is SEMI-CLOSED
This is an amateur radio repeater, used for local communication.
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