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Repeater listing for W4IZ

Currently operational near Jacksonville, FL

Nearby repeaters and topography:
(In grid square EM90FJ)

Encode: 127.3

Decode: 127.3

Frequency: 146.7Mhz

Offset: -0.6MHz

Mode: FM

Power: grid

Description and Notes:

Jacksonville downtown repeater, see http://jaxradio.net/repeater.html "In some areas, better communications may result when the secondary receiver is selected. The Dames Point main receiver requires users to transmit a 127.3 Hertz CTCSS tone and W4IZ's transmitter adds a similar tone to outgoing signals. Operators using a 127.3 Hz tone only access the Dames Point receiver. To use the downtown receiver instead, transmit a 103.5 Hertz CTCSS tone (tone encode). Remember that the repeater transmitter will continue to use 127.3 Hz. If your receiver uses tone decode squelch, program it to accept 127.3 during receive--not 103.5 Hz. when using downtown. Or turn receive tone decode off."

This is an amateur radio repeater, used for local communication.
New to amateur radio? Check out ARRL's ham radio introduction, training and testing page.
Need a quick refresher on programming repeaters? Please see the repeater programming guide.


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